Workers' Comp

Healthy Eating Even When You're Stressed

September 7, 2023

When your life gets hectic, finding time to shop for fresh food or prepare healthy meals can be hard. And it might feel like a hassle. Meals that aren't good for you—like fast food or microwave dinners—may seem easy or convenient. And it's easy to skip a meal and then grab an unhealthy snack or eat too much later.

Break the cycle

Unhealthy choices can lead to a cycle that's tough to break. You might feel bad about your eating choices after you make them, which can lead to more bad choices. Or you might not feel your best when your body doesn't get the nutrition it needs.

But you can break this cycle. It starts with making healthy eating a little easier for yourself—and making it a priority—even when you're stressed or busy.

Make a fresh start

How can you focus more on healthy eating—even when you're stressed? You could start by making a small commitment to yourself. This might mean picking one thing you'll do this week to make healthy eating a bigger priority. Or you might make a small change to help make it more convenient for you.

To make this commitment easier, it might help to think about your food choices in a different way. You can try thinking about how it feels to make an unhealthy choice and about how it would feel to make a healthier choice in the future.

Imagine a healthier you

Think about a food choice you've made when you were stressed or short on time, like eating fast food. Let's say you stopped for a burger and fries. How did you feel afterwards? Disappointed in yourself? Or maybe you had low energy or just didn't feel your best.

Now think about making a healthier choice. Picture yourself making a fresh sandwich filled with tasty veggies. How would you feel then? Would you be happy that you're taking care of your health? Maybe you'd feel proud.

Feeling good about your choices may help you feel a little less stressed.

And focusing on the benefits can help you make healthy eating a priority—even on your busiest days.

Make it convenient

Besides the commitment to yourself, you might also try to make healthy eating a little more convenient. You probably have lots of ideas. Here are a few to get you thinking:

  • Keep healthy snacks with you in your car, at work, and around the house.
  • Make a list of ingredients for quick, easy meals at home. Prepare the meals ahead of time and freeze them to save for busy nights.
  • Keep more sugar-free drinks and fewer sugary drinks in your house and at work.
  • Buy precut veggies, or slice them on the weekend. Then they'll be ready to eat on busy weekdays.
Commit to a small change

Are you ready to pick something you'll do this week to make healthy eating easier? It can be something small, something that works for you. Once you've thought of an idea, it might help to write it down. This is your commitment to yourself.

And that commitment is a big first step toward healthier eating. So give it a try!


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